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Presence of Chlorine in Drinking Water


The most widely utilized water antiseptic internationally is by far chlorine. Because chlorine is widely available, inexpensive, simple to apply, and effective at killing germs, around 98% of American communities now treat their drinking water in some way with chlorine. Whenever chlorine in drinking water is dissolved, it quickly slows the transmission of cholera and typhoid fever as well as other infections that are transmitted through the water. In order to keep citizens safe, it also makes it simpler for cities and towns to filter drinking water. But like all positive aspects of life, this powerful and affordable disinfectant has a cost.

Scientists have connected the prevalence of breast, rectal, and bladder cancer to chlorine in drinking water. Additionally, according to a research from the U.S. Council on Environmental Quality, those who consume chlorinated water have a 93% higher risk of developing cancer than those whose water is chlorine-free. Although chlorine has provided us with a number of wonderful advantages, we must work to safeguard ourselves from any potential risks it may pose. The chemistry of chlorine will be examined first, and we'll move on from there.


What is Chlorine in Drinking Water?


At ambient temperature, chlorine (CI), a chemical substance that occurs naturally, lives as a dangerous, irritating, and greenish-yellow gas. It can be made into a liquid by cooling and applying pressure. When liquid chlorine is sprayed, it swiftly transforms into a gas that continues to spread while remaining near to the ground. The essential element chlorine has a variety of uses. The treatment of standing water and the disinfection of drinking water may be its most common uses. You're certainly familiar with the unique chlorine smell if you have visited a water park or frequently swam in chlorinated pools.


What does Chlorine in Drinking Water Contain?


If you breathe in chlorine gas in its unprocessed, natural state, it is harmful to your health. Despite being a chemical, chlorine is not synthesized from various parts. To put it another way, it is merely an element. It is uncommon to utilise chlorine gas itself to treat items like swimming pools. Instead, sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) or liquid chlorine is introduced to the pool's water. A high concentration of hypochlorous acid (HOCl), which is highly effective against all bacterial, viral, and fungal human diseases, is produced when either of these forms of chlorine are poured into the water. Both spore-producing and non-spore producing bacteria can be quickly eliminated by a tiny amount of HOCl.

What is the Purpose of Chlorine in Drinking Water?


Chlorine is a potent chemical that may kill bacteria, germs, and diseases that can contaminate your water system due to its high toxicity. The substance contributes to the safety of drinking water by eliminating these disease-causing microorganisms. Each year, waterborne infections claim the lives of thousands of Americans. The presence of chlorine in public drinking water supplies has fortunately reduced the incidence of several dangerous waterborne illnesses, including salmonella, cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery, and many more. In addition, chlorine significantly contributed to America's 50 percent increase in life expectancy over the 20th century. The United States of America's Centres for Disease Control and Protection hail drinking water chlorination as among the most important health advancements in American history for these and other reasons.

Chlorine not only eliminates harmful microorganisms like viruses, parasites, and bacteria but also helps water taste and smell better. Moreover, the chemical aids in the eradication of moulds, slime, algae, and bacteria that develop in storage tanks, water main walls, and reservoirs used for water supply. In order to assist defend against infections as the water moves from the water treatment facility to the customers' houses, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency mandates that water companies add a measurable level of chlorine to their water.

How effective is Chlorine to Remove Waterborne Germs?


The majority of germs that are present in different water sources can be effectively combatted by chlorine. The quantity of chlorine in the water and the length of time the chemical is in touch with the microbes both affect the chemical's capacity to kill germs.  With a few exceptions, chlorine can effectively eradicate the majority of waterborne pathogens in the correct conditions. Cryptosporidium is one of the microorganisms that can survive routine chlorination procedures. In order to safeguard against these and other especially resistant bacteria, some water systems would need additional treatment procedures.

How Chlorine Removes Germs from Water?


By piercing their cell walls, tough shells, and slime coats, waterborne bacteria are killed by chlorine. The chemical prevents the bacteria from reproducing by either killing them or messing with their DNA.

What are the Effects of Chlorine in Drinking Water on Health?


We are very well protected from different bacteria and other disorder microbes in water thanks to chlorine. However, there have recently been a number of worries raised about the security of putting such a dangerous chemical in drinking water. The biggest issue with chlorine is that it organically clashes with the organic material currently found in the water when it is introduced to your drinking supply. As a result, the chlorine will produce DBPs, or disinfection by-products. Trihalomethanes, which are produced by chlorine, are the most poisonous DBPs. According to study, breathing water can cause major health difficulties like stillbirths, developmental impairments, a higher chance of kidney and liver cancer, as well as problems with the heart, central nervous system, kidneys, and liver.

Chlorine may be more harmful when inhaled than when consumed since they both turn into vapour at temperatures lower than those at which water boils. This means that having a shower with water that has been chlorinated can enhance your contact to these hazardous substances. Just when we thought things couldn't get much worse, a 2005 academic article revealed that skin absorption of THMs results in a higher concentration of the chemicals in the body than consuming tap water that includes the toxins. These harmful DBPs may pose a serious risk to your wellbeing every time you take a shower in addition to having an impact on your health when you drink tap water.

How Chlorine in Drinking Water Damages Gut?


The very thing that makes chlorine so useful is its capacity to eradicate bacteria and it is also a cause for fear. Bacteria that cause illness are eliminated when chlorine is included in the water. However, when it enters the human body, it wipes out the important bacteria in the gut, which is where around 70% of our immune systems are located. The body functions more effectively, according to current studies, when the gut floras are strong and healthy. Unfortunately, researchers have discovered a link between a deficiency in these essential microns in our digestive tract and a variety of illnesses, such as obesity, irritable bowel syndrome, colorectal cancer, asthma, diabetes, and autism. Bloating, gas, abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhoea are just a few of the various ailments that can develop as a result of poor gut health.

How to Avoid Harms of Chlorine in Drinking Water?


You can safeguard your home from the harmful impacts of chlorine in drinking water in a number of ways. Naturally, some of these techniques are more affordable or useful than others. The best course of action will rely on your finances, the level of chlorine in your tap water, and other factors. Aqua Hygiene offers a variety of water filters to their customers. Customers that are worried about the presence of chlorine in their water can contact us and buy Chlorine water filter for their family and house. This is the most intelligent and time saving investment.