Reverse Osmosis

Is Drinking Ro Water Safe?

Is Drinking Ro Water Safe

We at Aqua Hygiene put great efforts to provide safe, clean, and healthy water to all our customers. For that, we use different technologies one of them is reverse osmosis RO processed water.

What Is Reverse Osmosis?

Reverse osmosis is famous water purification and filtration technology used in homes for the sake of drinking water. A most prominent feature of this method of filtration is that it takes out the maximum amount of contaminants as compared to any other water filtration technology used in the market right now. But, wait! Let me tell you if it is just about removing contaminants DI water systems remove more soluble and insoluble particles, but it not only removes harmful contaminants but also removes useful and healthy minerals. Water processed by the RO method is just like the mineral water in a bottle that is coming out straight from your tap. Many of our customers ask even other people to raise this question if reverse osmosis removes all the contaminants and minerals, in that case, how is the water healthy for drinking?

Reverse Osmosis Only Removes Harmful Contaminants?

There is no doubt that reverse osmosis removes more water contaminants than any other water filtration method or technology. Harmful contaminants like lead, bacteria, chlorine, and sodium are just a few names from the list of harmful contaminants. As the filtration removes all the unwanted and harmful contaminants from your ordinary water, its reverse osmosis membrane also removes your useful and healthy minerals up to 90%. Considering the fact that water is not the only source of minerals for you in your daily routine. Even if you drink a bathtub full of water you will only get the 10% mineral source from it. Water is important but it is not a sufficient source for your body. There are more important things to notice while selecting the water you drink. There is approximately a list of thirty-five thousand types of a harmful contaminants in your water that is the point to ponder. According to a study shared by the world health organization, they say the percentage of healthy minerals that are removed by reverse osmosis water systems are not healthy are poses a great danger to health in the long term.

Meanwhile, science is working on it and shares the worry that the fewer amounts of minerals in water can put a negative impact on the minerals that you get from your diet for your body.

How Can You Get Maximum Benefit From Drinking Water?

In this piece of writing, I was being franked with you shared some reports, and told you about positive things of RO water filtration and drawbacks as well. Now it is your turn to decide either you want to drink all these useful or harmful impurities in your drinking water and make sure that you fall sick at another level. So you can get the right amount of minerals from your drinking water. Or you want to switch to RO water filtration and use processed and filtered water. For the solution and if you are so much concerned about healthy minerals in your water you can simply add remineralization filters to your RO water filter which can take care of your mineral percentage in your drinking water.

What Aqua Hygiene Suggests

We at Aqua Hygiene, suggest that the reverse osmosis water filtration method is the safest choice you can make for your drinking water. Although it clears the drinking water up to 90% contaminant-free healthy or harmful both. If minerals are your major concern in your home become the harmful contaminants that it removes, but if you are worried about the lack of minerals, we offer our All-Reverse Osmosis System with an add-on filter. This filter not only brings back the minerals into your drinking water but also raises the pH and hydration absorption by lowering the water's oxidation-reduction potential ORP. If you want an RO water filter and your minerals as well this would be the best match for you.